My Tapestry Journeys

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For the love of tapestry blogs

I read anything I can find on tapestry.  

That’s why I subscribe to every tapestry blog that I can find. 

First of all, I have to say the my go-to website on tapestry without a doubt is the American Tapestry Alliance.

It is a tremendous resource chock full of educational articles, inspiring exhibits, and artists pages.  If you’ve never looked at the website, please stop reading this now and take a long look. If you like what you find- and how could you not? - Click that Join Us button. There are members of all levels and you will fit right in. But please don’t forget to come back here to finish reading!

Now, back to tapestry blogs.

Going through the ATA website is how I found most of these blogs. Under resources, click on links, then tapestry blogs and websites and you will find over 100 listed. Not every one listed has a blog and not every one listed has an active blog, so I have listed the current blogs here that I routinely follow or subscribe to in alphabetical order- not going to play favorites here!

Please note that not all blogs are included; I’m only including those that are current AND focus on tapestry. In other words, the main content should relate to tapestry. 

Current tapestry blogs

Elizabeth Buckley writes thoughtful posts on shows, classes, techniques, and her experiences. The Artist’s Path Blog

Barbara Burns writes educational articles for the ATA blog as well as on her own website.

Molly Elkind shows her projects and inspirations.

Robbie LaFleur also writes regularly on her tapestry style, historical perspectives, and inspiration.

Rebecca Mezoff writes weekly on anything and everything related to tapestry.

Ellen Ramsey, Musings on Textile Art- includes interviews with other artists and writes insightful posts on exhibits, her inspirations, and tapestries.

Tommye McClure Scanlin writes about current goings on in tapestry and her own work and inspiration

Kathy Spoering, My Life is But a Tapestry, writes about her work and inspiration  (and does beautiful paintings, too).

Sarah Swett, A Field Guide to Needlework, writes weekly about tapestry and inspiration with wonderful illustrations.

A few more that don’t write as consistently or often

But when they do, it’s well worth reading!

Janet Austin

Ruth Manning

Line Dufour

They all have their own unique voice and style.

Check them out! There are many others that didn’t meet my criteria but are well worth looking into. Again, my intent was to find blogs that are current and I apologize to anyone left out. 

If you have a favorite or know of someone I’ve missed, please add it to the comments.