Hat's Off, Ellen Ramsey!
My favorite tapestry blog is by artist Ellen Ramsey. I look forward to every new post she creates. What makes Ellen’s blog posts so worth waiting for is that she brings me into another world. Her world.
Ellen Ramsey, Hacked, 2020, hand woven tapestry, mixed fibers, 48 x 54 inches, copyright Ellen Ramsey
Ellen is fortunate in that she is able to visit museums and I am fortunate that she chooses to write about it.
Not only does she bring me into her world of art ventures but she shares gorgeous images that I (and maybe you?) might never have access to.
Ellen Ramsey, Obi I detail, from Lotus Pond series, copyright Ellen Ramsey
And those images! Amazing detail of tapestry surfaces that’s rare to find on blog posts - and even a lot of artists’ websites for that matter.
I’m going to mention a few of her recent posts I have especially enjoyed and urge you to look her up. If you don’t look at any other post, you absolutely want to read her latest ones on the Erin M Riley exhibit. Start with this one; it includes links to others. Which will include links to others…
She also often writes about her design process. I remember one of the first posts I read from Ellen mentioned her attendance at a Jane Kidd workshop. I was Green with Envy. I assumed she was referring to the ATA event I had so desperately wanted to get into. I remember exactly where I was when I didn’t get into that workshop! I knew when the registration would open; I was there; I was ready. Clicked the link immediately, but sadly, it was full!
So months later, when I read Ellen’s post, I felt a weird kind of hunger. A hunger for more posts like this. I vowed to both devour and savor every one. I don’t think I’ve missed one since.
The post I mention above is actually the backstory to the next one I want you to look at.
Ellen Ramsey, Border detail on Hacked, copyright Ellen Ramsey
Read it. That’s some higher-level-thinking going on in that one! And check out that Border!
I live vicariously through you, Ellen!
Never stop!
FYI: Ellen doesn’t have a way to subscribe to her blog, but she told me she does have a mailing list. You can get on it by emailing her so you don’t miss out on any future post.
And, if you’re on social media you can also follow her on Facebook or Instagram.