Part 3 of 3 Voices: Tommye Scanlin
Tommye Scanlin, Memories of Ferns, 38” x 26.5”
This is the 3rd part of a 4 part series on the exhibit Three Voices. This week’s focus is on Tommye Scanlin, a name I’m sure the majority of my audience is familiar with.
Tommye has often very graciously allowed me to use her photos in my classes or blog posts. Many of the images were high enough resolution to see the stitch definition.
Tommye Scanlin, Spring Profusion, 32” x 24”
But I was totally unprepared for the nuances I discovered when viewing her work in-person. The subtlety in the color blending… the textures.
Tommye Scanlin, Spring Profusion, detail
I especially loved seeing Spring Profusion - one of my favorities - up close. My image here still doesn’t do it justice. The color blending blew me away.
Tommye Scanlin, Secrets, 28” x 18”
Secrets was another tapestry that surprised me. I’ve looked at this weaving many times online, but had no idea the variety of texture and color changes involved.
Tommye Scanlin, Secrets, detail
Next… Sweetshrub is one of her more recent tapestries. I don’t believe it’s up on the website yet so I don’t have a size added, although I can say it’s comparable to most others in the show.
Tommye Scanlin, Sweetshrub
What I love about Sweetshrub is the watercolor-like effect she’s achieved.
Tommye Scanlin, Sweetshrub, detail
Another more recent weaving is Catesby’s Trillium.
Tommye Scanlin, Catesby’s Trillium, 30” x 18”
Love that border treatment!
Tommye Scanlin, Catesby’s Trillium, detail
Another big surprise to me was the scale of Because of Memory* - maybe still my very favorite. I’m sure I must have been aware of the size listed with this piece but it took my breath away to see it in person.
Tommye Scanlin, Because of Memory, 63” x 59”
And I also had no idea of the role metallic yarns played in this piece.
Tommye Scanlin, Because of Memory, detail
Missing in my images is a photo of the tapestry Five Leaves for Miss Lillian. But I did get a detail shot that shows what I love most about this piece: the texture and shapes in the background- and, of course, the shadows!
Tommye Scanlin, Five Leaves for Miss Lillian, detail
The show also included other works, including some tapestry diaries. You can see those and more from Tommye on her website and Instagram.
In case you missed it…
*Apologies for the shadows across many of the photos. I didn’t want to butcher the image with trying to remove them in photoshop. I honestly believed I would be able to get back to see the show again and take better images! But it was not to be.