What IS it about Tapestry?
sampling colors
Yesterday, during our monthly critique in the Elements course, we talked about the fact that with every tapestry we do we learn something new. This led to somewhat of a revelation for me! Not that we learn something new with each piece so much - I knew that - more that I realized I’d finally discovered my answer to “What do you love most about tapestry?”
Don’t we all get asked that at some point in our journey?
I confess in the past I’ve never been able to answer that quickly or totally confidently. It sets my head spinning; I love so many things about this medium; how do I pick just one? The entire process intrigues me from an inspiration to the final… well, ok, I admit - not so much the finishing!
I’ve often thought my answer should be - and has been…
It’s the meditative quality of the physical act of weaving.
And I do absolutely love that aspect of it- in fact, it’s darn right essential to me. But when it comes down to it, I realize…
It’s that sense of discovery hidden in every work.
For instance, past weavings have taught me that borders need to be carefully planned, playing with colors makes me happy, and hand drawing large scale cartoons does not.
My most recent weaving, “Waterline”, has been packed full of problem solving and discovery. Here are a few bullet points my river has taught me.
I love to pick! I probably already knew this, but this piece has driven it home. Early on in this tapestry, I had some issues with the shedding device and just took the darn thing off and resigned myself to picking the entire piece. I am inches away from finishing and my fingers have survived!
“Picking” small sections at a time can create issues… more on this in a future post.
I need to - want to - explore different “beads” - again, more on this later.
I am forever hooked on transparency (I suspected this) and color blends (I guess I already knew this, too, but it’s been further reinforced with this project).
Metallic threads, not so much!
This might be my favorite section of the entire Waterline piece…roughly 2” square- maybe 3…
Now, I realize the meditative quality or the sense of discovery isn’t really specialized to tapestry. I suspect artists in other mediums must feel that sense of discovery and absorption, too. Maybe the question should be what do I love about the creative process?
How about you? What do you love most about tapestry- or another art form?
Or… what’s your latest discovery? What did your last tapestry teach you?